How to upload an mp3

From The Peopling of New York City




Plays an uploaded mp3-file called mymp3.mp3.


Plays the remote mp3-file from the URL


Plays the two uploaded files mymp3.mp3 and yourmp3.mp3 one after the other, autostarts playing when the site is loaded and loops the files.

Additional Parameters


filename.mp3 can be the name of a file uploaded to the Wiki or an external URL. Additional parameters are optional.

Parameter Reference

Option Effect
autostart=yes The player will automatically open and start to play the track (default value is no)
loop=yes The track will be looped indefinitely (default value is no)
bg=0xHHHHHH Background colour option (where HHHHHH is a valid hexadecimal colour value such as FFFFFF or 009933)
leftbg=0xHHHHHH Left background colour
rightbg=0xHHHHHH Right background colour
rightbghover=0xHHHHHH Right background colour (hover)
lefticon=0xHHHHHH Left icon colour
righticon=0xHHHHHH Right icon colour
righticonhover=0xHHHHHH Right icon colour (hover)
text=0xHHHHHH Text colour
slider=0xHHHHHH Slider colour
loader=0xHHHHHH Loader bar colour
track=0xHHHHHH Progress track colour
border=0xHHHHHH Progress track border colour

Multiple files

Multiple files can be played in one FlashMP3 player one after the other by separating them with comma.

Multiple players

Multiple FlashMP3 players on one site can be achieved by giving them an id.

<flashmp3 id="2">secondmp3.mp3</flashmp3>
