Jonathan Joa’s Events
Posted on November 14, 2007
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Sorry it’s late, but here it is:
1. The Body Exhibition: I know it’s more of a scientific kind of museum, but the body is a very beautiful thing. In ancient times, there were many nude sculptures and paintings of the human body. Now, there are actual human bodies on exhibit. It is a bit expensive at $16 per student with a group over 15 students, but I think it would be well worth it.
2. Statue of Liberty: it might be a bit cliché to visit Lady Liberty, but when I think of it, I have never been to Liberty Island before. When I asked many of my friends and colleagues, many of them realized while they have seen her from afar, they have never visited the Statue of Liberty either. It is a major part of America’s immigration history as well as a fantastic piece of art. The price is $12 per student for the ferry and pass.
Sybil’s Event Suggestions
Posted on November 13, 2007
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Sorry this is late!
1) The Skyscraper Museum: This combines architecture, arts/design, technology and history while featuring our city’s magnificent skyline. I thought this would be an interesting place to go because it’s a different kind of “art” and it showcases NYC at the same time. It’s located in Battery Park, open from 12-6 pm Wed-Sun, with admission at $2.50.
2) The Museum of the City of New York: Hosts several exhibitions and collections with a focus on New York. Current exhibits include - The Glory Days: New York Baseball 1947-1957; Timescapes: a multimedia portrait of NYC; Perform: The history of theater in New York; New York Interiors (1690-1906); and many more. Museum hours are Tue-Sun 10-5. Suggested admission for students is $5.
Andrew’s interests
Posted on November 13, 2007
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Suggestion #1 - Don’t judge me on this, but for some reason I have a fascination with weapons and armor. It just so happens that The Met has an Arms and Armor gallery with all sorts of equipment from all over the world and all different time periods. The last I checked The Met is free, so price isn’t really an issue, so if you like swords, chest-mails, shields, etc. I guess you should give this a vote…
Suggestion #2 - Mythic Creatures Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History - Honestly, what isn’t there to like about dragons, unicorns, mermaids, and sea serpents? This was actually something I meant to do on my own time, but I figured this is also a random opportunity for other interested people to join me. If no one else wants to go with me, thats cool too, I understand However, this is one of those few chances we have to feel like a little kid again and remember what is was like to be perfectly content by the amazement of a DRAGON. If not, I suppose we can all end up going to some quasi-intellectual event and pretend we’re sophisticated and cultured. Well I’m not going to put up some facade of being interested in technically “fine art”, this is what I like and I’m going with or with out you (class). That will be all.
Christina’s suggestions
Posted on November 13, 2007
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Sorry its late!!!
1. National Comedy Theatre - It sounds really cools, its a group of people and they just do improvisation and comedy. It’s not really “high culture”, but improvisation is 1) Really hard to do (you have to come up with stuff on the spot in front of a big audience…its scary) and 2) Really interesting to watch. The best part is the professional comedians are set up into two teams that compete with each other, and their improvs are all based on audience suggestions. It’ll be really different from everything we’ve done so far. They play every Friday and Saturday.
2. New York Youth Symphony - Jazz Band Classic
The group merges class jazz style of the 1930’s and 40’s and also tries to bring in some of the contemporary. They play a 16-piece set based on music from this era. The performers are all around our age, which I think is really interesting. Also, these kids get to play alongside professionals in the field AND if anyone is interested, they can audition for the New York Youth Symphony. The show is going to be on Friday, December 14th at 7:30 at Carnegie Hall.
Daniel’s Ideas
Posted on November 13, 2007
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This is weird. This is free.
I went last week and a woman unveiled her latest project, a system of notes based off of her freckles, tuned to the key of her apartment and a rhythm controlled by where people stand in the apartment. These variables come together in a large, guitar-like set of strings plucked by picks protruding from a rotating cylinder.
From the website: dorkbot-nyc is a monthly meeting of artists (sound/image/movement/whatever), designers, engineers, students, scientists, and other interested parties from the new York area who are involved in the creative use of electricity. Dorkbot meetings are free and open to the public. Since we started dorkbot-nyc in 2000 many other dorkbots have sprung up around the world. See them all at:
The purpose of dorkbot-nyc is to:
Give people doing strange things an opportunity for informal peer review
Establish a forum for the presentation of new art works/technology/software/hardware
Help establish relationships and foster collaboration between people with various backgrounds and interests
Give us all a chance to see the cool things that our neighbors are working on
Too much light makes the baby go blind.
30 plays in 60 minutes. This show plays every Saturday night under the KGB bar in Manhattan. You pay $11 plus the role of the dice to get into this small theater for an intense and unique experience. The talented troupe goes on for 60 minutes of high-energy plays, some blasphemous, humorous, demented, meditative and all geared to entertain. This is a must-see.
From the website:
Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, with its ever-changing “menu” of plays is an attempt to perform 30 plays in 60 minutes–an original concept by Greg Allen and the Neo-Futurists. The single unifying element of these plays is that they are performed from a perspective of absolute honesty. We always appear as ourselves on stage, speaking directly from our personal experiences. Each short play is written by a performer, honed by the ensemble, and randomly collaged with twenty-nine other plays through high energy audience participation. Each week, these plays shift as ensemble members add new plays to the existing body of work. Each night of performance, we create an unreproducable living-newspaper of the comic and tragic, the political and personal, the visceral and experimental.
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