78th Precinct
From The Peopling of NYC
The 78 Precinct is located on 65 6th Avenue. Before 1993, the 78 Precinct didn't include Prospect Park.
Police Department Crime statistics:
(Taken from http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/pct/pct078.html, on April 30th, 2007)
From this table we can see that over the years Park Slope's crime rates have decreased substantionally. From 1990 to 2006, robberies has dropped from 1,115 to 192 and burglaries from 1,644 to 191. This table demonstrates that this area is generally a safe place to live, with only 3 murders and 3 rapes in 2006.
(Taken from http://www.nyc.gov/, on April 30th, 2007)