The Peopling of NYC:Community Portal

From The Peopling of NYC


Site Theme

What is our thread?

What has the most potential? The Global City? Gentrification?

Global City with visual elements: e.g. Architecture as buildings, as social geography, as peopling

Global City with the "types" of people: ethnicities, professions

Can Architecture be a "window" for the various themes/stories in your neighborhoods?

Who lives in this neighborhood

What has not been done before? Do we want to make it a tourist site or are we going for something more? Should we instead talk about what shapes the neighborhood.


Social Geography

Website Project Roles

The website project requires the cooperation and coordination of the talents of the entire class. The following roles are the essential tasks to accomplish our goals.

Please sign up for a committee that would interest you and that best fits your skills.

Design Team

The design team will work with the Tech Fellow to set overall appearance of site (including choosing skin and editing CSS). This team will moderate the discussions within the class to decide layout, banners, colors, appearance of navigation, etc.

Photo Editing Team

This team will assist the class with the visual content to be included on the site, ensuring that photos are of desired size and resolution. They will also help edit and manipulate specific photographs for different groups.

 Greg Soybelman

Site Architects

This team will coordinate discussion on site architecture, organization and navigation of the site. They will help define categories and assign pages to appropriate categories, as well as assist in the creation of the navigational menus with the help of the tech fellow.

Home Page Designers

The home page designers will create and develop the textual and visual elements for the home page. As discussed in class, we want to highlight our research methods and execution, and demonstrate how our site might differ from other sites.

Editors and Proofreaders

The editors and proofreaders will ensure that the copy on all the pages is clear and concise, and will make sure that all links are functional. They will also make sure that design and structural elements of the site are consistent and logical. Copyright issues: This team will also help monitor that any image or text "borrowed" from the web is either in the public domain/open source or permitted by the owner.