The Park Slope Historic District

From The Peopling of NYC

In 1973 the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the Park Slope Historic District in Brooklyn. The area is filled with mansions, rowhouses, apartments and buildings which were built at the turn of the century.

Before the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the area, the Park Slope Civic Council asked the commission to designate the area from Sixth Avenue to Prospect Park West, from Park Place south to 10th Street as the historical district. However the Landmarks Perservation Commission designated only the area between Prospect Park West and Eighth Avenue. They ommitted the entire commericial strip of Park Slope (7th Avenue) even though the architecture of those undesignated blocks is similiar to those blocks that have been designated. Because of this strict designation the Park Slope Civic Council has over the years advocated for an expansion of the historical district. They want to extend the borders from Prospect Park West to Fifth Avenue and from Flatbush Avenue to 14th Street.


Park Slope