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Comments on: Su Casa Mi Casa http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=34 Seminar 1 with Professor Orenstein | HN C100 | W 3:10-5:40 Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:26:08 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.2.2 By: aarroyo http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=34#comment-19 aarroyo Sun, 23 Sep 2007 00:30:07 +0000 http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=34#comment-19 There was another piece at this exhibit that really caught my attention that I don't believe kim mentioned. In the entrance to the gallery, before the hidden secret room where the furniture was, there was a giant painting on the left. It covered almost the entire wall and, like kim mentioned, the colors were enticing, with neon pinks greens and blues. The painting was basically a window of tinier windows and the silhouette of a man in the bottom left corner. It looked as though the world was falling apart outside the windows, with explosions of color and light, and in one of the top windows there was one lone star. The paining gave the feeling that the man was focused on that one star, intently watching it and losing himself for a minute, forgetting the reality of what was going on in the world outside. Kim mentioned feeling like she had stumbles in on a great secret when she found the back room, but i felt like the entire exhibit was like a great secret. Curry's use of windows made me feel like I was wandered into someone's home and was seeing like like they did everyday for just a minute. I loved Curry's pieces, the way he brought the viewer into his culture, his history and his home. I seriously recommend seeing this exhibit. There was another piece at this exhibit that really caught my attention that I don’t believe kim mentioned. In the entrance to the gallery, before the hidden secret room where the furniture was, there was a giant painting on the left. It covered almost the entire wall and, like kim mentioned, the colors were enticing, with neon pinks greens and blues. The painting was basically a window of tinier windows and the silhouette of a man in the bottom left corner. It looked as though the world was falling apart outside the windows, with explosions of color and light, and in one of the top windows there was one lone star. The paining gave the feeling that the man was focused on that one star, intently watching it and losing himself for a minute, forgetting the reality of what was going on in the world outside. Kim mentioned feeling like she had stumbles in on a great secret when she found the back room, but i felt like the entire exhibit was like a great secret. Curry’s use of windows made me feel like I was wandered into someone’s home and was seeing like like they did everyday for just a minute. I loved Curry’s pieces, the way he brought the viewer into his culture, his history and his home.
I seriously recommend seeing this exhibit.
