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Comments on: Pamina Devi and the Metropolitan http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=125 Seminar 1 with Professor Orenstein | HN C100 | W 3:10-5:40 Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:26:28 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.2.2 By: esanchez http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=125#comment-75 esanchez Tue, 16 Oct 2007 20:11:22 +0000 http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=125#comment-75 I agree with you in many ways. I also thought that the lighting gave the production "new life" especially in the Sun god's temple where it was fiery red and the costumes were gold. Those two colors complemented each other. Even with the absence of special effects, it was nice to see the light portray that role. I also did not pay attention to the faces of the actors/actresses, but you're right. I think the dancers had to concentrate more on the dance rather than emotion and that's probably why they did not emote as much as you expected. I also see where you're coming with the Western-Eastern ideology theme. I agree that it is significant for artists to breathe new life into their works of art so that people will relate to them. By relating to them, they are paying more attention to these works of art and they engage with them as well. Overall, your insight is very good. I agree with you in many ways. I also thought that the lighting gave the production “new life” especially in the Sun god’s temple where it was fiery red and the costumes were gold. Those two colors complemented each other. Even with the absence of special effects, it was nice to see the light portray that role. I also did not pay attention to the faces of the actors/actresses, but you’re right. I think the dancers had to concentrate more on the dance rather than emotion and that’s probably why they did not emote as much as you expected. I also see where you’re coming with the Western-Eastern ideology theme. I agree that it is significant for artists to breathe new life into their works of art so that people will relate to them. By relating to them, they are paying more attention to these works of art and they engage with them as well. Overall, your insight is very good.
