WordPress database error: [Table 'orenstein07.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]
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Comments on: Asia Society and Zhang Huan http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=67 Seminar 1 with Professor Orenstein | HN C100 | W 3:10-5:40 Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:26:16 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.2.2 By: esaberkhiabani http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=67#comment-47 esaberkhiabani Mon, 01 Oct 2007 05:01:15 +0000 http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=67#comment-47 Although in my post, I did not touch on Zhang Huan's visual art, I thought it was one of the best work that he has turned out. I especially loved the large Buddhist head for the exact reason that you described: I felt an emotional connection and mental stimulation when observing and experiencing it, and other pieces like it. I agree with your opinion on the role of art -- that it's supposed to relate to the audience as opposed to merely passing a commentary on the artist's view. Although in my post, I did not touch on Zhang Huan’s visual art, I thought it was one of the best work that he has turned out. I especially loved the large Buddhist head for the exact reason that you described: I felt an emotional connection and mental stimulation when observing and experiencing it, and other pieces like it. I agree with your opinion on the role of art — that it’s supposed to relate to the audience as opposed to merely passing a commentary on the artist’s view.
