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Comments on: Fiddleback - Stephen Bush… http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=45 Seminar 1 with Professor Orenstein | HN C100 | W 3:10-5:40 Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:26:10 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.2.2 By: Ly Ky Tran http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=45#comment-30 Ly Ky Tran Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:23:33 +0000 http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/orenstein07/?p=45#comment-30 Joey, I just wanted to say that I loved the way you describe everything. I thought there was a very artistic quality to your writing that served as an appropriate complement to the subject of the writing itself. For instance, when you were describing your initial reaction to the piece of art you chose, you stated, very insightfully so, "The colors popped out from the window and I felt like a five year old getting ready for Santa to come [...] When first walking in, the gallery takes control and sends the viewer on a journey." I loved the way you explained that because it really gives the reader (me) a sense of what you felt as you were witnessing this piece of art. Furthermore, I think you did a very good job with providing all the details necessary to paint a good picture of Bush's paintings- with explanations of brush strokes and color contrasts and message. Overall, it was a very insightful review of the art! Thanks for sharing! :D Joey, I just wanted to say that I loved the way you describe everything. I thought there was a very artistic quality to your writing that served as an appropriate complement to the subject of the writing itself. For instance, when you were describing your initial reaction to the piece of art you chose, you stated, very insightfully so, “The colors popped out from the window and I felt like a five year old getting ready for Santa to come […] When first walking in, the gallery takes control and sends the viewer on a journey.” I loved the way you explained that because it really gives the reader (me) a sense of what you felt as you were witnessing this piece of art.

Furthermore, I think you did a very good job with providing all the details necessary to paint a good picture of Bush’s paintings- with explanations of brush strokes and color contrasts and message.

Overall, it was a very insightful review of the art! Thanks for sharing! :D
