
over the river and through the woods

I looked at Google Maps this morning, and it told me that I live 11.8 miles and 23 minutes from CSI.

This might be true if I didn’t take the R train to Bay Ridge, and then the rather idiosyncratic S93 from Bay Ridge to CSI.  Other times, I take the R to Rector St in Manhattan, and then get the X10 bus to CSI.  On an exceptionally bad day, I take the R to Bay Ridge, the S53 to Victory Blvd and Clove Road, then transfer to the S62.  And then of course when I get to CSI, I get on the campus loop bus, which is also, well, idiosyncratic.  It almost always rains when I go to CSI.  It seems like a statistical improbability, but it’s true.  I’m at CSI right now, and it was snowing/raining when i came this morning.  We’ll see how it’s doing when I leave, in about 2 hours.

On days when I come to the Macaulay Center, I just on the R, take it 3 very short stops, and then get on the B or the D train, and it is a fast easy ride.

I spent my commute home from Friday’s class trying to think of a theme song for my commute, but I can’t come up with anything yet.   I’m going to make a podcast tour of my commute to share with you.  More to come soon.


It’s like a scale that measures “cityness”…

I used to think I had the longest commute but hearing everyone else’s stories I see that I am one of many!

I live in Bellerose, Queens which is on the border of Long Island. It takes me an hour and a half to two hours to get anywhere in Manhattan. My commute to CCNY takes me two hours.

My journey begins on the Q43 bus, which I ride for half and hour to the 179th Street subway stop. At 179th Street I get the F train. I take the F train to 47th-50th Streets Rockefeller Center and then take the D train to 145th Street and St. Nicholas Ave. After I reach the 145th Street station I go up to the street level and walk towards Convent Avenue. I then make a left onto Convent Avenue and walk to 137th Street, which is the heart of the CCNY campus.   

On the trains and bus I see many different people and pass through various sceneries. My neighborhood is suburban and quiet and by the time I reach school I am in the bustling city. The places I pass thru seem to measure on a scale ranging from least city to city. Even when I am in the subway the passengers represent the environment that they come from or are going to.   


The Seven and the Six (and sometimes the Two)

As mentioned in my title, my commute involves the (7) train and the (6) train. I take the (7) local train from 82nd Street in Queens. As a result of construction, there is no express service until the end of February. Because all the (7) express commuters end up on local trains, riding the (7) train has become increasingly frustrating. Since the trains are extremely crowded, and there is no guarantee that there is space for me.

The weekends are worse; there is no train service between Main Street and Woodside at all. The MTA is providing shuttle service, but since traffic moves very slowly on the shuttle’s route, I usually walk fifteen minutes to take the (R), (G), (E), (Q), and (F).

Regardless, on weekdays I usually transfer from the (7) at Grand Central station to the (6) train to get to Baruch College. In my experience, the (6) train is usually reliable. The total commute takes me about 35 minutes on a good day, or 50 minutes on a bad one.

To get to the Maccaulay Honors Center, I transfer from the (7) to the (2) train at Times Square. This commute takes me 40 minutes.

As a sidenote, I think the 2nd Ave train line is going to make a lot of people’s lives better. When I was living on 91st and 2nd, I hated going all the way to 86th and Lexington Ave for the (6) train!!


A few thoughts

Hi Team,

Thanks so much for the nice start to the class.  My last week was hell - I had too many meetings - but I will have a lot to discuss in class on Friday.  Glad to see that you are off and running about the project.  We will take some time on Friday to discuss.  I am sure Lisa Brundage has some great ideas for how we can use technology.

 My commute is from New Jersey - I start down by the Jersey Shore in Red Bank.  Use Google Earth if you want to see where that is.  My commute to 67th Street involves NJ Transit and also the NYC Subway.  I plan on about 1 hour and 45 minutes for the trip.  The train is a one seat ride that drops me off in Penn Station then it is on to the #1 Train if I am going to 67th Street or the A Train if I am on my way to CCNY.

 Traveling to Staten Island, I am stuck - just like Goldie.  I drive - one person in a private automobile.


Dr. P.


My Commute

Hi everyone,


            I guess I’ll start off by saying that I live in Hillside, NJ and that I travel by car to get to my classes at the College of Staten Island. It’s not a far trip. It only takes me about 20 minutes to get there (16 minutes according to mapquest.com) without traffic. I take the Goethals Bridge into Staten Island. For those of you who have never driven on the Goethals, it is a very narrow bridge. You feel as if the car next to you is literally inches away from your vehicle. It took me a while to get used to driving on it.

            I would have considered taking public transportation to get to school, but unfortunately there is no bus that goes directly into Staten Island. If I did choose to use mass transit to get to school I would have to take a bus into Manhattan (which takes 40 minutes) and then take either the ferry or another bus into Staten Island (which takes 30-40 minutes). Therefore I decided it would just be better if I drove into school.  


I’m still thinking about what I should do for my project. Some of my possibilities would be to either use imovie or PowerPoint. The ComicLife application might be interesting to use as well. Anyway I guess I still have a little bit more time to decide.


The Fourth Second


 Hello there. This will be the first post and quite possibly the most awful since I’m still figuring out how to use this blog - asides from writing and uploading pictures.

Goldfish have inspired my title, “The Fourth Second,” and I think that’ll be the title of the Seminar 4 project as well. See, I have heard goldfish have a limited memory of  3-seconds (it turns out this is NOT true) and I thought it would be clever to write something with this as a motif such as what can happen in that fourth second. There is a book out there by Malcolm Gladwell titled ‘Blink’ dealing with what can happen in a few seconds - but I digress. So far, I would like to use the example Lisa Brundage said in class about a fast-forward video and cut out the fourth second and paste them all together. I am not sure if this is possible. Or, I would take photos along my commute and make a flip book.

It sounds ridiculous - my commute is about 1.5 hours.


Google Transit

I found this today on Google Transit and thought it might be of interest.  Does anyone want to learn how to do their own Google maps of their commute, marking important point?

BTW, to make a hyperlink:

–Copy URL that you want to link to.

–Highlight word(s) that you want to be linked

–Click on the button that looks like a link, and paste your URL into the dialog box


Systems Go!

The blog is up and running.  So why don’t you tell us some about you and your commute?


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!