Shaping the Future of NYC CHC250 (004) | Tues 5:30–8:05 | HE1702C Mon, 25 May 2009 00:11:03 +0000 en [gallery] Midtown Development Tour 42nd and Broadway Lights and Signs Theatres along 42nd st--Entertainment Use High developments on 8th avenue between 42nd and 44th.  Possible room for development in Picture 3? 44th street towards Shubert Alley: lined with short, older theatres. Shubert Alley: Junior's Restaurant to suck visitors like a straw through the alley.  Picture 2: Waiting in line ... Luke-Times Square Photographic Essay Luke-Photographic Essay #2 42nd Street Extravaganza In the beginning there was Broadway...Slashing down across manhattan, KING OF STREETS! Looking down 42nd street to the West You can look straight up and barley see the top Logos are everywhere, everything is owned by somebody and somebody wants everybody to know it Even the trash cans are advertising something... and on this one rests a ...   [caption id="attachment_771" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="42nd st. and Broadway- lights and variety of signs"][/caption]   [caption id="attachment_774" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="42nd St. and 8th Ave.- theaters and other entertainment uses"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_777" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="construction at 42nd and 8th Ave. Corner"][/caption]   [caption id="attachment_779" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="8th Ave-lower heights of buildings "][/caption] [caption id="attachment_781" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Shubert Alley- ... Times Square visit [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2" orderby="post_name"] Times Square!!!! Stephanie and I went on the tour together :) The beginning of the tour (44th and Broadway) Uptown view, just a glimpse of the crazy lights and advertisements to come! On our way to 8th avenue...though not technically a "Broadway" theatre, the New Victory is one of the premiere theatre spaces in the ... Kim and Alyssa… Times Square [caption id="attachment_584" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="First stop. Lots of super signs."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_593" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="More super signs on the way to 8th ave."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_602" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="42nd street between 7th and 8th ave. This is a great shot because right behind the very short New Victory theatre we can see a ... Christina’s Times Square Photo Essay The tour begins with a crowded view of the South end of Times Square at 42nd Street and Broadway. I walk past one of my favorite places in Manhattan - B.B. King's. My family and I come here at least twice a year to see my brother's favorite ... Gennadiy’s trip to the Times Square theatre district the times, they are a-changin’ This is a joint venture between Noah and Zerlina. Broadway Lights by Day [gallery] final project We were thinking about combining a couple of general interests: namely public bathrooms and ecofriendly structures. I know that there are some complications with installing composting toilette's, but that might be interesting to pursue. Otherwise, we might look into recycling water in the bathrooms (flowing the water from the sink ... Gennadiy’s idea for the final project At the turn of the twenty-first century, we became well-aware that oil prices are sky rocketing and its supply is depleting. In addition, oil, as well as natural gas are found to be major contributors to global warming. As a way to reduce energy costs and help our environment, we ... A though for the Final Project While I am aware that we are in constant need of low income housing and job opportunities, I really would like to focus on bringing some exposure to natural beauty into New Yorker's every day lives. What I would like to see are some low-cost--maintenance public gardens, where ... Topic Selection.. The city of the New York is currently facing serious problems of freight transportation. With the mass congestion of highways, streets, etc. freight transportation has added to the issue of traffic and pollution in the city. For my project, I will be doing more research on this citywide issue, document ... Final Project Idea For the final project, I was considering creating a foreign language program for all public elementary schools in New York City and developing a system in which time and money could be optimized to make this idea happen. Studies show that children can pick up a foreign ... Final Group Project At a faculty symposium, which I recently attended, it was stressed that the final project must be a group effort – three or four students combining their resources to look at a selected topic in depth. The existing final project description still applies. Individual students should put forth topics ... New York Essay…finally! :)                               New York City is extremely patriotic, more so than many seem to think.  There is a notion established throughout the United States that New York City is home to extremely unpatriotic individuals that can only believe in one ...