Archive for September, 2007

How to Create Links

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

Creating a link is like writing a post except that you must click on the closed chain symbol in the Post section and insert the url of your intended link.

This is an example of a linked video from Youtube made with iMovie:

How to Write a Post

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

You’ve already written a post by creating your category. But here are the steps again:

1. Click on Site Admin.

2. Click on Write.

3. Check your name in the category box to the right.

4. Title your post.

5. Write it.

6. Click Publish.

Thursday, September 6th, 2007


How to Upload an Image

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

To upload an image:

1. Go to Site Admin, go to Write, and find the Upload box below the Write Post area.

2. Then you will browse to select an image that you have saved and upload as if it were an attachment to your email.

3. Once you’ve chosen the image, click Send to Editor.

4. The image will then show up in another box. Select Thumbnail to keep the image small and Link to None (unless you do want to link the image).

5. Be sure to check your name in the categories box every time you publish (post) so that your work does not get saved to someone else’s category.

6. You can also title it and add a description ( I have only titled the image in the example above.)


Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

… to the class blog for “The Arts in New York City,” IDC 1001H section TZ3H. Use this forum to post your writing, discuss ideas, share announcements – it’s your ‘virtual classroom’ in cyberspace!

How to Establish Yourself as a Category

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

In order to make your name appear as a linked category in the sidebar, click on “Site Admin”. Go to the dashboard and click on “write”. Find your name under categories, check it, and post a message. Once you have published something to your named category, it will show up in the sidebar.