Comments on: Japanese Art Art Is Where You Find It Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: hgx3j2003y hgx3j2003y Wed, 31 Oct 2007 17:48:40 +0000 thanks for the comment. oh haha that's fine. Because i finished my junior high school in Shanghai, China, so I learned more and dipped deeper into Chinese art. thanks for the comment. oh haha that’s fine. Because i finished my junior high school in Shanghai, China, so I learned more and dipped deeper into Chinese art.

By: siwenliao siwenliao Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:56:34 +0000 Wow, you must have had a lot knowledge regarding Chinese art since you found a lot similarities between Chinese and Japanese art. I mean, I am Chinese myself, yet I never knew nothing about the Four Great Accomplishments, up until now. I like your comment regarding the Kosode. But isn't that robe called a kimono by any chance? Hahaha, dont laugh at me if I'm mistaken since I'm illiterate in this kinda stuff. lol. Wow, you must have had a lot knowledge regarding Chinese art since you found a lot similarities between Chinese and Japanese art. I mean, I am Chinese myself, yet I never knew nothing about the Four Great Accomplishments, up until now. I like your comment regarding the Kosode. But isn’t that robe called a kimono by any chance? Hahaha, dont laugh at me if I’m mistaken since I’m illiterate in this kinda stuff. lol.
