Comments on: The Best Movie Ever… Seriously! Art Is Where You Find It Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: superart superart Thu, 11 Oct 2007 23:04:27 +0000 From your review, I found the movie very interesting. So I went to Youtube and watched the trailers. It seems like an awesome movie. I will watch the whole movie. From your review, I found the movie very interesting. So I went to Youtube and watched the trailers. It seems like an awesome movie. I will watch the whole movie.

By: syed hassan syed hassan Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:11:55 +0000 Is it better than BIG FISH, the movie that started it all? Is it better than BIG FISH, the movie that started it all?

By: siwenliao siwenliao Thu, 11 Oct 2007 04:01:25 +0000 never heard about this movie b4. But according to what I have read, it seems way 2 girlish. It might perhaps be romantic. I guess guys wouldn't watch this movie, unless they were accompanied by someone else. Anyway, I'll look into the trailers and reviews, then I'll have a more definite answer to this, lol. never heard about this movie b4. But according to what I have read, it seems way 2 girlish. It might perhaps be romantic. I guess guys wouldn’t watch this movie, unless they were accompanied by someone else. Anyway, I’ll look into the trailers and reviews, then I’ll have a more definite answer to this, lol.

By: Margaret Fu Margaret Fu Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:34:50 +0000 ^ what Eilene and Bonny said :) ^ what Eilene and Bonny said :)

By: Eilene Eilene Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:32:30 +0000 omgosh! i really want to watch this movie too. the previews for it seem very amusing and the songs are very catchy! omgosh! i really want to watch this movie too. the previews for it seem very amusing and the songs are very catchy!

By: bonnylin bonnylin Wed, 10 Oct 2007 00:35:13 +0000 ooh! i wanted to watch this movie because i really like musical-ish movies. have you seen moulin rouge- one of the best soundtracks ever! and it's also crazily colorful like across the universe ooh! i wanted to watch this movie because i really like musical-ish movies. have you seen moulin rouge- one of the best soundtracks ever! and it’s also crazily colorful like across the universe
