Comments on: Anny Cymerman’s Podcast Review Art Is Where You Find It Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joanna Yau Joanna Yau Sat, 15 Dec 2007 04:59:02 +0000 Oh my goodness! I watched Rent that weekend too. Maybe we watched the same show, but I didn't see you. Anyways, I thought that it was a pretty good Broadway show. I liked the two songs you put in your podcast, but my two favorite songs are Seasons of Love and One Song Glory. Oh my goodness! I watched Rent that weekend too. Maybe we watched the same show, but I didn’t see you. Anyways, I thought that it was a pretty good Broadway show. I liked the two songs you put in your podcast, but my two favorite songs are Seasons of Love and One Song Glory.

By: bonnylin bonnylin Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:47:04 +0000 wow, i didn't know rent was so complicated. i didn't know what it was about but commercials for it certainly did not hint at drug addicts and transvestite street performers or that serious issues concerning aids would be an integral part of the musical. the fact that it's about the lives of many characters reminds me of the movie love actually, which is about the lives of several characters and their experiences with love. if you haven't already, i recommend you watch this movie- it's awesome. wow, i didn’t know rent was so complicated. i didn’t know what it was about but commercials for it certainly did not hint at drug addicts and transvestite street performers or that serious issues concerning aids would be an integral part of the musical.
the fact that it’s about the lives of many characters reminds me of the movie love actually, which is about the lives of several characters and their experiences with love. if you haven’t already, i recommend you watch this movie- it’s awesome.

By: Daniel Panit Daniel Panit Mon, 10 Dec 2007 02:53:39 +0000 Sounds like an interesting Broadway play. Rent was one of my choices to watch before I finally saw Hairspray. Maybe I will check it out one day, or maybe watch the movie. It seems that a lot of Broadway plays have been made into movies. Sounds like an interesting Broadway play. Rent was one of my choices to watch before I finally saw Hairspray. Maybe I will check it out one day, or maybe watch the movie. It seems that a lot of Broadway plays have been made into movies.
