September 8th, 2007


September 8th, 2007


susan > jiahua lolol 8D;;


September 8th, 2007

My first post

Testing, testing

September 8th, 2007

“Hello World”

September 8th, 2007

yo ;]


September 7th, 2007

hey. i laughed when i saw that pic down there. =)


September 7th, 2007

Hello fellow classmates!


September 7th, 2007


How to Create Links

September 6th, 2007

Creating a link is like writing a post except that you must click on the closed chain symbol in the Post section and insert the url of your intended link.

This is an example of a linked video from Youtube made with iMovie:

How to Write a Post

September 6th, 2007

You’ve already written a post by creating your category. But here are the steps again:

1. Click on Site Admin.

2. Click on Write.

3. Check your name in the category box to the right.

4. Title your post.

5. Write it.

6. Click Publish.