Daniel Dvorin - Cultural Passport: September
Broadway: Legally Blonde Musical
The dazzling glittered pink Delta Nu necklace stitched onto the opening curtain foreshadows the tone of Jerry Mitchells’ musical version of the 2001 hit movie and novel by Heather Hach. The story originated as a fictional account of a girl driven to success by love, but transitioned into a “chick flick” on Broadway. From the perspective of a college male, I felt emasculated by the intro song of the show.
The show started by a cheerful song elucidating the fact that Elle Woods, played by Becky Gulsvig, is getting engaged. Directly quoted, the lyrics of the song satire the typical wealthy high school girl, “Omigod You Guys!, Omigod!, Elle is getting engaged!!!!!” In the restaurant, with potential fiancé, Warner, she gets horrifically heart-broken as he breaks up with her instead of proposing.
The following scenes were not as profoundly feminine and followed the outline of the novel. Several parts that made me reminisce scenes from the movie made the show more enjoyable than the singing and dancing of the actors could.
After hearing the musical number, “Delta Nu Nu Nu,” my vision of a sorority has drastically detracted. Elle, and her sorority sisters, Serena, Margot, and Pilar illustrate a vivid image of “overjoyed girliness.” Although I see this as a negative contribution to the show, it adds fun and energy, while complementing the fact that she is a blonde fun girl in Harvard Law.
Compared to more serious, philosophical plays, Legally Blonde allowed me to just view an entertaining play without much pondering or looking for deeper meanings. Even though I fully believe in my criticism, I enjoyed the show.
After a 1.5 year run in the heart of Broadway, Times Square, the show will host its final performance on October 19, 2008.
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