Cover Statement

§ December 19th, 2008 § Filed under Portfolio: Cultural Passport

Although I was born and raised in New York City, a place known internationally for its theater, film, dance, and other types of visual arts, I took for granted the resources I had around me. The only type of cultural performance I attended before my entrance into college was a Broadway production of Walt Disney’s The Lion King. I have never been interested in the arts because I did not consider myself a creative person. I have no artistic talent (I cannot even draw stick figures) or musical talent (I learned the piano for a few yeas and ultimately gave up because I did not make any progress). I stayed away from museums because they bored me. The only type of theater I would go to was a movie cinema. Taking this course, however, changed my perspective and broadened my horizons.

I have probably gone to more cultural events this term alone than all the previous years in my life. I experienced my first taste of dance and opera. This course also forced to me think about the performances on a much more intellectual level. Previously, I simply watched something and either enjoyed or disliked it. Never before have I been asked to judge the lighting, sounds, or director’s decisions. Never before have I been asked to think about why a performance conveyed particular emotions in me. My biggest accomplishment in this course is learning how to interpret and critique a piece of work creatively yet still manage to keep my own “voice.” I have made sure to show that voice in my Cultural Passport Portfolio reflective essay and cover statement because it not only shows what I am like as a writer, but a thinker as well. My voice allows people reading my work to connect with me on a personal level.

Attending shows both with the class and on my own has allowed me to develop a small but keen interest for the arts. I still cannot draw, nor can I play any musical instruments, but I would probably be interested in going to a museum or a theater performance for non-academic purposes. If there is one thing this course has taught me, it is that I should always be open to experience new things; something that I reject could potentially turn out to be life-changing. This Cultural Passport Portfolio marks the beginning of my appreciation for the arts in New York City.

Carissa Dech

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