bethesda fountain-steve chu
For some reason or another, this link :
was posted among the other pictures with the Hassam assignment. Not knowing any better and figuring it was the closest thing to school, I attempted to take a photo of the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park in the same position that this original photo was taken. The original photograph was taken by H.L. Wittemann during the 1930s. I attempted to be in the exact position that he must’ve taken the photo but was unable to for several reasons. The first being my use of my laptop as a camera and the difficulty in trying to take a picture simply by holding my computer in my hands so i set it down on a part of the terrace facing the fountain. I also found the ideal point obstructed by a high reaching peace of the terrace. I would’ve liked to back up for a better angle but would’ve found myself in the middle of the road,or even further which would’ve placed me on a hill, so i settled for the terrace. The view of the two buildings in the upper left corner is quite clear in the original but due to the high reachign trees of the present as well as the poor lighting condition i found that day, they simply appear as white streaks in my replication. There was also my inability to see the view through the lenses without being in the grass, where i was not supposed to be. I did my best in attempting to replicate this picture, and at the very least my version has color and beautiful fall leaves.
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