Public and Private Worlds: Read/Listen/Events
View read and listen
Public Art Fund: Olafur Eliasson
Barry Lewis, Architectural Historian: Podcasts
Who Gets to Call It Art? - Movie - Review - The New York Times
Hoag Levins, “The Changing Cultural Status of Tattoo Art: A Report”
Harley Spiller (eRes)
Roberta Smith, “Public Art, Eyesore to Eye Candy New York Times”
Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington, “Joan of Arc” (1915)
Jeff Koons’s Website
Jeff Koons - Myspace
“Larger than Life,” The New Yorker
On Controversial Art:
Lucie Lehmann-Barklay, “Public Art, Private Prejudice”
Private Collections:
Humanities Web - Private Art Collections
Christie’s: Samurai Warrior Armor
The Collection of Frieda and Milton Rosenthal: African and Oceanic Art November 7-15 exhibited at the Sotheby New York galleries
Visit this site to see dates and times for this private collection to be on-display.
Thomas Lyte images (under “Course Documents” on Blackboard)
Suggestions for group project:
• Create or review public versus private art.
• Use garage-band to create your own personal signature music. Choose a tune that you grow –up with which is a public tune, i.e. national anthem, popular song, uploads as a pod-cast to the class page, tell us what makes one private and the other public.
• Chose to review one of the events/sites below and compare to other art forms:
10/27 or 11/19 for New Music concert, at Juilliard
10/16, or 11/9, for a Jazz performance at Juilliard
Related Events:
9/18 @10:00 611HN viewing of “Who Gets to call it Art” discussion will follow
9/11 @10:30 Class visit South Seaport peer to view the waterfalls, 10:30AM, in case of rain visit to the American Falk Art museum, and or Metropolitan roof deck