Professor Lee Quinby – Spring 2013

Category: April

Archive for the ‘April’ Category

Humbert the Lyrical Girlizer & Ultimate Misogynist

In Part I of Lolita, I was most struck by Humbert Humbert’s multi-faceted psychological perception of himself. I focused my previous post around Humbert the Adam figure vs. Humbert the Devil figure, and in class we discussed a number of his other manifestations. Since entering into Part II of Lolita, a new archetype has occurred […]

People Talk

How shall we read Lolita? Nabakov’s seminal text subtly invites the reader to don the glasses of an array of different observers; it tempts us in turns towards judgment and complicity, dispassionate analysis and evocative terror. In what appears at first gander to be a tale of perversion lies hidden a whole world of meaning to […]

Poor Humbert. Poor Dolores.

I’m fascinated by the concept of pity in Part Two of Lolita because Humbert is constantly begging for it. It’s in his explanations and his deliberate choice to highlight the clandestine traveling of his adventures with Dolores (accompanied by a few hazy details about her whereabouts and actions during their trip.) For the majority of […]

My Life: The Movie

One element that seemed pervasive in both Lolita and Chapter 10 of the Peiss book was the influence of movies on adolescents. It is undeniable that the media can have major effects on teenage behavior (whether that influence is positive or negative is probably an argument for another day). Dolores is one of countless teenagers […]

What’s wrong with showing childbirth in the movies?

A lot of the anxiety that seems to be surround the idea of going out with men in Article 2 in 1930 goes hand in hand with the pressure from society NOT to have sex. Was there no such thing as birth control? All those women who felt peer pressure to be both wild and […]

Putting the “Dog” in Dogma

The latest phenomenon to hit the literary world is Wendy Moore’s How to Create the Perfect Wife, which chronicles the real- life quest of the progressive yet eccentric Thomas Day to cultivate his perfect wife.  To conduct this experiment, at the age of twenty-one, Day adopted two twelve- year- old orphan girls and took them […]

Useful article for your next essay

Hi everyone, I hope your break was fulfilling and fun. I had hoped everyone would post over the break but I see that only a few of you have. Ariella’s focus on the effects of a rapidly shifting culture on young people is insightful and I wonder how you all might experience our own shifts […]


I wish I knew more about where this poster was distributed, or who paid for it. But regardless the message is pretty clear. Who knows, it was probably built into Sue Lyon’s contract that these posters had to be distributed!

Lolita showing at the IFC tomorrow

Lolita Just so ya’ll know there is a Kubrick retrospective going on at the the IFC and they’re showing Lolita tomorrow (on Sunday)