Professor Lee Quinby – Spring 2013

Category: Creative Projects

Archive for the ‘Creative Projects’ Category

These Hands Hold the History

These Hands Hold the History

Cabinet of Curiosities

Oh Fabio

“This book was one of the best books I have read in a long time. It had the things I like in a romance, a dashing knight, a beautiful princess, and of course the bad guy. This book is for all those who love it when the hero has to fight for his lady.” – […]

Reimagined French Postcards

For my creative project I chose to create a re-interpretation of the small pornographic photographs that were circulated around the turn of the century and referred to as “French Postcards.” There were a few of these on display during our visit to the Museum of Sex, some depicting women in lingerie, others showing two people […]

Lola Vlogs: Creative Project Explanation

The “Lolita Vlogs” project was created with the intention of revealing Dolores Haze’s missing perspective from Vladmir Nabokov’s Lolita. I wanted to explore some of what was going on in Dolores’ head during some of the key moments of the story. Each vlog takes place in a different location and time. The language was an […]

Lola Vlogs


Body and Soul

For my final project, I chose to portray the duality inherent in one’s identity. As this is a personal project, I highlighted the juxtaposition between growing up with a modern- Orthodox Jewish background, and attempting to reconcile that belief system with life as a modern American woman. In addition to examining the bifurcation between Jewish […]

Quicksilver Collides   For this film I was inspired by a concept we discussed in class when reading The Scarlett Letter. This was the dynamic of the power triangle in which two men (in The Scarlett Letter it is Chillingworth and Dimmesdale) are brought close together because of their obsession with a woman. In Quicksilver […]

A Dance of Liberation

This is a dance of undoing, unraveling the psychic and social knots we harbor around sexuality. This is a dance of liberation, the freedom to be fully human and the freedom to recognize all those who you encounter as something so much more than their roles, a dance where we discover each other as mutual […]


Hey everybody, I’m so sorry and disappointed to have missed everyone’s presentations this week. I was, and am only just beginning to recover, from being sick to the point of incapacitation. I’m sure it was an inspiring class session and I look forward, at least, to reading everyone’s work following the semester’s end. I’m writing […]