Professor Lee Quinby – Spring 2013

Posts Tagged: feminism

Posts Tagged ‘feminism’

Passionlessness as a Sacrificial Tool of Subversion

In Puritan society, women are compelled to sin through their passion. Hester, losing all passion, in one ironic sense loses her ties to sin. She learns power over herself, and power to define her own code of ethics. This, as Lee pointed out, is distinct from the biblical code of morality that rules Puritan society. […]

The Puritanical Feminist

(I apologize for the slight tardiness of tonight’s post–Oscar Night is the New England Holiday of my family!) Aristophane’s play, Lysistrata, is one of the most prominent literary displays of women’s sexual power. In attempts to end the Peloponnesian War, Lysistrata convinces her fellow Grecian women to withhold sexual pleasures from their husbands until peace […]