Professor Lee Quinby – Spring 2013

Posts Tagged: Peiss

Posts Tagged ‘Peiss’

Power from the Bottom

This week’s readings paid very close attention to the power relations within African American communities. The African Americans in Sula and the essays by Stevenson and Hansen were often in a position of powerlessness. Be it slavery in the South or racism in the North, whites used numerous tactics to keep positions of power over […]

My Life: The Movie

One element that seemed pervasive in both Lolita and Chapter 10 of the Peiss book was the influence of movies on adolescents. It is undeniable that the media can have major effects on teenage behavior (whether that influence is positive or negative is probably an argument for another day). Dolores is one of countless teenagers […]

Have We Escaped Comstockism?

While it is impossible to deny the prevalence of the “Victorian prude” during the 1800s, this week’s readings made it clear the image was not embraced by everyone of 19th century America. It also shed light on many similarities of sexual discourses from then to now. It made me question if and how much we’ve […]

The Puritanical Feminist

(I apologize for the slight tardiness of tonight’s post–Oscar Night is the New England Holiday of my family!) Aristophane’s play, Lysistrata, is one of the most prominent literary displays of women’s sexual power. In attempts to end the Peloponnesian War, Lysistrata convinces her fellow Grecian women to withhold sexual pleasures from their husbands until peace […]

Science & Religion

For as long as the two have existed, the worlds of science and religion have been at war. It is not because of mutual hatred or a desire to dominate human consciousness (although I’m sure this plays some part in certain battles). Rather, it is that the two lines of thought are constantly contradicting each […]

Sex vs. Sexuality

Whenever I want to infuriate myself, I like to go read the Yahoo comments on various articles concerning LGBT issues. Inevitably, there will be a comment along the lines of “i’m sick of hering about gay ppl! i don’t want to no about wut ur doing in ur bedroom!” and I find myself shaking my […]