During the course you will be asked to find several news articles from reputable news sources about an issue or issues affecting immigrants in New York City. You will then write a 2 page essay including a brief summary of the article and highlighting the community and issue being discussed. You will also include why you selected the article, when warranted take a position on the issue in the article, make an argument for or against, if appropriate and if possible, draw some analogies to the readings of the course or other relevant discussions, learning, etc. You are welcome to compare and contrast stories, draw analogies of issues today to the issues of the past, etc. Please include a copy of the article or the link to the article selected. We will discuss these in class.

There will be a total of three weekly press highlights assignments.
Below are some ideas for sites or newspapers you should visit to find possible articles of interest:

Please check the Class Assignments for dates the Weekly Press Highlights are due. They will be collected at the beginning of class.