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August 2010


Archive for August, 2010

Can Labour find a voice? | openDemocracy

It seems we have reached the degree zero of Labour politics in Britain. Few on the Left lament the passing of 13 years of New Labour, in part because it was associated with an illiberal style of hectoring micro-management that repelled people of all parties. Labour needs a complete reassessment of its values and purpose. […]

The Glory of American Politics Goes Worldwide – Politics – The Atlantic

via H/T Fiona Lee (@fionally) This is great. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites

Then the shoes started to follow her everywhere she went online. An ad for those very shoes showed up on the blog TechCrunch. It popped up again on several other blogs and on Twitpic. It was as if Zappos had unleashed a persistent salesman who wouldn’t take no for an answer. “For days or weeks, […]


“The actual obsession with efficient causality–what you call activism–is basic to the Protestant outlook.” –  Marshall McLuhan, “Communication Media: Makers of the Modern World” in The Medium and the Light Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

At Home With Mary Catherine Bateson – Mary Catherine Bateson on Domesticity

via This Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead’s daughter. I wonder what her childhood was like… Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Multiculturalism and Its Discontents by Susan Jacoby

via Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Susan Jacoby together, on the same page, should make you shudder. It makes me at least… Posted via email from sam han’s posterous


  Download now or listen on posterous 08 Untitled.mp3 (3801 KB) I don’t know much about this guy Teebs but this track is unbelievable. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

The New Coffee Bars – Unplug, Drink Up

via Like come on…really? When there are so many unemployed young people who are looking for a place to work on their resumes and be online while sipping some coffee, places like these want to be gourmet? Look I get it. I’m a big coffee drinker and a big fan of Stumptown’s coffee. But […]

Brian Eno “Small Craft On a Small Sea” Packaging

After a fuss over a leak and then an official confirmation from Warp, Brian Eno has unveiled his next album, “Small Craft On a Small Sea.” The launch page reveals far more about the packaging than the actual music (though I must say, the packaging is very pretty). But the album does focus on collaboration, […]

Noticed – E-Books Make Readers Less Isolated

“Strangers constantly ask about it,” Michael Hughes, a communications associate at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, said of his iPad, which he uses to read a mix of novels and nonfiction. “It’s almost like having a new baby.” An iPad owner for four months, Mr. Hughes said people were much more […]