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August 2010


Archive for August, 2010

The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet | Magazine

via I realized I posted a response to the Web is Dead article without the original referent. How Baudrillard of me. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Now Playing – Night of the Living Tech

Yet evolution — not extinction — has always been the primary rule of media ecology. New media predators rise up, but other media species typically adapt rather than perish. That is the message of both history and leading media theorists, like Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman. Television, for example, was seen as a threat to […]

Tandy 1000 computer Christmas commercial

via Working on that Web 2.0 book right now and I’ve decided to write about this hilarious TV commercial for Tandy computers. Free association: This computer somewhat reminds me of the computer that Eddie Murphy’s character has in Trading Places in the office that was previously held by Dan Akroyd’s character before…well…they traded places. […]

Who Elected Me Mayor on Foursquare? I Did

Alexander R. Galloway, an associate professor in the department of media, culture and communication at New York University, said Foursquare taps into our urge to win when we are placed in a competitive environment, especially in front of our peers. “It’s about perfecting the craft of game play,” Mr. Galloway said. “Foursquare turns spaces into […]

Good Cellphone Service Comes at a Price

via In my last apartment, I had close to zero cell phone service. I feel their pain but come on, you got to fix the building! Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Google, God, and the public « The Immanent Frame

Google’s attempt to bring its Street View service to Germany has met with strong opposition. Given the country’s history, the opposition feeds off many Germans’ wariness of encroachments upon their privacy—a wariness that Jeff Jarvis has called “something nearing a cultural obsession.” In this vein, a leading newspaper commented that “Google knows more about you […]

BBC News – Ofcom report highlights ‘multi-tasking media users’

The average Briton spends almost half of their waking life using media and communications, data suggests. The statistics from regulator Ofcom indicate that people in the UK spend seven hours a day watching TV, surfing the net and using their mobile phones. However, it is argued that the average person actually squeezes in the equivalent […]

Islam’s Answer to MTV

via “The media is changing everything,” Abu Haiba told me. “Television, the Internet, Facebook. We have to think faster, move faster. Time flies! 4Shbab is part of that change. It’s more than music. We have 25,000 members in the 4Shbab Forum. We get 3,000 S.M.S. a day from viewers. I have fans in Azerbaijan, […]

Kagame’s Priorities for Rwanda: First Prosperity, then Freedom of Expression – SPIEGEL ONLINE

via The difficult trade-off between development and democracy. A propos to comments made by Zizek in the post below regarding the utterly ridiculous assumption that capitalism and democracy are linked entities. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

St. Vincent – Marry Me (ETHEREA Remix)

via Sorry, let’s try that once more. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous