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September 2010


Archive for September, 2010

Enchantment in a Scientific Culture : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR

It was almost a century ago that Max Weber, the father of sociology, looked at the tide of history surging past him and declared the spirit of his time was no spirit at all.  Disenchantment, for Weber, would be the hallmark of a new secular age dominating the new century.  Religion would disappear and be […]

Bronx’s Valentine Ave. Turning Into Heroin Ave. – Gothamist

From a heroin bust earlier this year Trying to think of somewhere romantic and pun-filled to take your sweetie tonight to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day? You might want to stay away from Valentine Avenue in the Bronx. The Bedford Park road has become central to the burgeoning heroin trade; according to the […]

Tumblring through a Dissertation | Paul Virilio Polar Inertia

via An incredible book. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Internet Adoption | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

via Pretty much sums it up. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Roma, on Move, Test Europe’s ‘Open Borders’

via I’ve been keeping a not-so-close watch on the situation of the Roma and I think it is one of the major examples of the limits of the nationalist model which consists of a bounded territory wherein members of a polity are then given “rights.” Sure, the Roma have rights but the way are […]

I am currently Instructional Technology Fellow of the Macaulay Honors College and a PhD candidate in Sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York(CUNY). Previously, I was Substitute (Visiting) Instructor of Sociology at the College of Staten Island. Broadly speaking, my research interests comprise of religion, science and technology, social and cultural theory, new media, […]

Beware The Internet As Liberation Theology – Trevor Butterworth – Medialand – Forbes

“It doesn’t take remarkable insight to suggest that the defining idea of the coming decade will be the Internet,” writes the Princeton philosopher Peter Singer in this week’s Chronicle of Higher Education. No it doesn’t, but perhaps it takes a certain kind of academic cluelessness to say so. The coming decade? C’mon Prof – where […]

People who make $250,000 or more a year can afford a tax hike. – By Daniel Gross – Slate Magazine

Debate is heating up over the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. President Obama has proposed extending the tax cuts for all Americans except for those families who make more than $250,000, citing its commitment to keep taxes low for middle-class Americans. Republicans are holding out for full extension, arguing that all Americans deserve tax […]

Washington Mayor Fenty Is Underdog in Primary

via Not sure why The Times is making it out that Fenty’s decline in Black support has something to do with his hiring of Michelle Rhee. A bit of a category mistake in my view. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Washington Mayor Fenty Is Underdog in Primary

via Not sure why the times is making it out that fenty’s decline in Black support. A bit of a category mistake in my view. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous