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November 2010


Archive for November, 2010

The sociologist influencing Labour’s new generation | Society | The Guardian

via Obama, be like Clinton in this way: When Blair was all about Anthony Giddens, Clinton too started reading. Now Bauman is definitely better than Giddens, so I want to see Liquid Modernity on your nightstand. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Marx, Engels, Mao and a brand new fridge – China

Reuters/Nir Elias A farmer from the Zhuang ethnic minority works at his rice terrace near Pingan Village in Longsheng in southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang PINGWEN VILLAGE, Guangxi province — As I walked into the living room of the farmer’s new house, I noticed that the floor was still wet from a recent mopping — and […]

New Statesman – The NS Profile: Phillip Blond

via I’ve been engaged in a two-day crash course on Red Toryism. Why? I don’t know. But after listening to a couple of podcasts and articles featuring Blond, I’m convinced there is something to his critique of (neo)liberalism and the State. I, however, am worried that it’s, as Zizek’s keen to say, “a right […]

NY Times: Can the Chinese Become Big Spenders?

via I wish Baudrillard were still around to keep track and comment on the development (or not) of Chinese consumer society. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction

via A bit of a hack-job I think. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Rare Color Photos Of The Russian Empire At The Turn Of The Century

via These are incredible. They almost seem “staged” in the sense that they were taken yesterday but made to look old. MODERNITY! There is something I do genuinely love about you. (I guess…) Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Tales from a Past Life

and it’s free! this is why Woody is wrong when he says that indie/experimental hip-hop is never to be listened to. now, while this music isn’t reaching down my throat and yanking hard on my jiggy organs, I’ve been grinning like an idiot and bopping along to this album all day. ladies and robots: G […]

Scattered Speculations: On the Looming Crisis of Masculinity in Hip Hop…and why it’s a good thing

We’ve all heard the complaints. We may even have some ourselves, depending on how old we are and what “era” of hip hop we consider to be the one we grew up on. “Where are the Rakims, the BDK’s or the KRS’s?” is a kind of line you hear from someone who, while scratching his […]

NY Times: Bar Mitzvah Studies Take to the Web

via I remember when my friends in middle school were carrying around Discmans with CDs made by their Rabbis with their Torah portion on it so they could study before the big day. I thought it was pretty nifty, as CD burners, at the time, were quite novel. (Ugh, remember how 2x CD burning […]

The Attention-Span Myth by Virginia Heffernan

via On point as usual. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous