NY Times: Bar Mitzvah Studies Take to the Web
I remember when my friends in middle school were carrying around Discmans with CDs made by their Rabbis with their Torah portion on it so they could study before the big day. I thought it was pretty nifty, as CD burners, at the time, were quite novel.
(Ugh, remember how 2x CD burning was such an innovation? Shout-out to my buddy Steve Pristin (@ismelllikemoney) who was one of the first ones I knew to have a CD burner.)
By the time, I was in high school, and long removed from the weekly Bar/ Bat Mitzvah celebrations, I was unaware of the move towards kids studying their Torah portions on their mp3 players until I was told as much by my friend’s sister, whose Bat Mitzvah I had attended. Whole new world, I thought.
Now we have this.
(Don’t drop the Torah!)
Posted: November 20th, 2010 under Uncategorized.