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February 2011


Archive for February, 2011

NYT: In Sweden, Immigration Policies Begin to Rankle

via While I, and other lefties, view Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia in high regard as their social-democratic policies on healthcare and women’s rights are dazzling, the immigration issue is always a sticking-point. This was made clear with the case of the Pakistani cab drivers in Norway not too long ago. Posted via […]

SLATE: Richard Whitmire’s The Bee Eater, about Michelle Rhee: What her fans don’t understand. – By Richard D. Kahlenberg

via Utterly damning yet very “reasonable” piece on Rhee here. I agree with every word by Kahlenberg but I’d like to add that folks on the left, in particular unions, need to call out so-called Dems, who are either tacitly or explicitly aligning themselves with her. Her biggest political brokers are Dems! Posted via […]

The Guardian: Arabs are democracy’s new pioneers | Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri | Comment is free

One challenge facing observers of the uprisings spreading across north Africa and the Middle East is to read them as not so many repetitions of the past but as original experiments that open new political possibilities, relevant well beyond the region, for freedom and democracy. Indeed, our hope is that through this cycle of struggles […]

Dear Jews Who May Have Been Sitting Near Me And My Friends In Connecticut College’s Harris Dining Hall Fall Semester, 1989 | The Awl

Dear Jews who may have been sitting near me and my friends in Connecticut College’s Harris dining hall fall semester, 1989, Sorry for making anti-Semitic slurs. It was an honest mistake. As a group, we would never have wanted to say anything to offend anyone along racial or ethnic lines. But that fall, we’d taken […]

Shia Crescent – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

via “Shia Crescent” is a term that we will all be familiar with very soon. I’m not sure how much analytic power it has but it will be the surd in every single article regarding Mid-East politics. I can almost guarantee it. For instance: Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Arab uprisings mark a turning point for the taking | Peter Hallward | Comment is free |

via Hallward is exceptional as a commentator on Deleuze and as an expert on Haiti. Quite good on the Middle East also as you can see. Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Haruki Murakami’s ‘Norwegian Wood’: International Trailer Goes Live « Word and Film

via Kind of major! Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

NYT Graphic: Global income inequality

via USA! USA! We’re the best at everything, including leaving our poor way poorer than our rich. H/T: Posted via email from sam han’s posterous

Hawking contra Philosophy | Philosophy Now

Hawking contra Philosophy Christopher Norris presents a case for the defence. Stephen Hawking recently fluttered the academic dovecotes by writing in his new book The Grand Design – and repeating to an eager company of interviewers and journalists – that philosophy as practised nowadays is a waste of time and philosophers a waste of space. […]

Bruno Latour: Where is res extensa? An Anthropology of Object | Continental Philosophy

via Posted via email from sam han’s posterous