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September 2010


Beware The Internet As Liberation Theology – Trevor Butterworth – Medialand – Forbes

“It doesn’t take remarkable insight to suggest that the defining idea of the coming decade will be the Internet,” writes the Princeton philosopher Peter Singer in this week’s Chronicle of Higher Education. No it doesn’t, but perhaps it takes a certain kind of academic cluelessness to say so. The coming decade? C’mon Prof – where have you been for the past 15 years? The current issue of Wired is debating the end of the web.

Indeed, one might say that the Internet’s reign as the defining ideational force of our time started a lot earlier, if the humanities were to give engineering and technology the intellectual respect they deserve. The line between San Fernando and Silicon Valley points not only to the intellectual center of world from the 1970s through the 1990s, but intellectual to a degree that bears comparison with Renaissance Italy and Enlightenment Scotland.

That, I would argue, is a missing component from our broad sense of recent history, and is a result of several factors. First, engineers are, in the main, not focused on  telling stories about what they do in a way that establishes intellectual significance outside their field; rather, engineering becomes technology and technology, under the influence of journalism, turns into a discussion about gadgets and whether or not these gadgets are cool.

Sure, I’m simplifying: there is an interpretive element to these discussions (such as whether the Web is or isn’t dead, or whether the physical book is or isn’t dead), and there is a class of cyber gurus who have emerged from the collision between the Internet, the web, and the news media, who have tried to make sense of what it all means – Nicholas Carr, Dan Gillmor, Jeff Jarvis, Clay Shirky,  and, not least, Wired’s editor Chris Anderson.

But they have not filled the void. Their commentary may have cultural force in the mainstream media, but it often lacks the sedimentary depth accrued by serious trench work in the history of ideas, science and technology, or philosophy.

Which is why reading Singer anoint the Internet with magically transformative powers  – “Everyone now has access to the resources of the world’s greatest libraries” – or – “The grip once held by a few media owners over what reaches the public has been irreversibly loosened by independent bloggers and reporters who are read by millions” – or – “The biggest unknown is how far and how fast access to the Internet will spread” – is embarrassing. These are cliches. They show  a philosopher so unfamiliar with the state of the Internet and the kind of research into usage produced by analysts such as Gartner, Forrester Research, the Yankee Group, the Pew Research Center, Jakob Nielsen or Ethan Zuckerman, that he takes these claims as givens, not as claims requiring amplification, clarification, and examination.

And this is particularly painful from a philosopher whose field is ethics. What does it mean to say that everyone now has access to the world’s greatest libraries when studies show that many Millennials – the generation born and raised after the arrival of the Internet – can barely use Google to search the web? What does it mean to say that the power of corporate media has been broken by independent bloggers when, increasingly, those corporations are crowd sourcing content from bloggers for little or  (as is mostly the case) nothing? As Ultan O Broin, my old friend and all round tech expert, recently put it in the Irish Times, the claims made for the web as a socially transformative technology are belied by an increasing amount of data.

“Whether or not it draws on scientific research, technology is a branch of moral philosophy, not science,” wrote the anarchic Paul Goodman in The New Reformation, Notes from a Neolithic Conservative, meaning that technology isn’t self-justifying simply because it may solve a scientific or technical problem, it must be examined within the context of what it does for us and how we use it. In other words, the statement that “a good watch is a watch that tells the time well” only has meaning in a society where timing is everything, where we have ritualized and sanctified time keeping.

In this context, it is time to stop thinking about the Internet as a kind of liberation theology (expressed at its most ethically naive through Wikileaks’ belief that the path to a just society is absolute transparency); the key issue facing everyone in the next decade is figuring out how to use the Internet and how to discern its societal benefits from its over-hyped Utopian promises. This is a critical discussion that demands the engagement of philosophers. If they could only hurry up.

Any kind of emancipatory narrative deserves some sort of skepticism, I think.

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