Blurb 1 – THOR (Film)

“THOR” (PG-13, 114 minutes) is a movie about a God turned into a super hero. You’re probably thinking that a “God” is the least relatable character ever—and you’re probably right—but Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) does a great job in displaying his humanity.  No character should be powerful to the point of perfection, and Thor does in fact give us a (wonderfully) flawed character. Although Thor is in fact a God, throughout the movie he is shown to be just as stubborn and naïve as the rest of us. The movie also has an interesting setting. The film takes place in a fantasy world called Asgard as well as our own. The movie’s transitions from one world to the other are masterfully rendered. The supporting cast is also very relatable. From Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) to Loki (Tom Hiddleston), you’ll find yourself empathizing to at least one of THOR’s characters. The CGI is breathtaking and the characters have great depth. The final battle sequence may disappoint hardcore action fans but the movie is one that anyone and everyone can enjoy.  If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend you do. Four stars. (09/13/2011)

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