2 thoughts on “2 weeks of Artful Photos-Johanna

  1. One thing I noticed this week was my theme of taking pictures of the exterior of buildings that I would otherwise most likely not notice. As I was traveling throughout both the city as well as in my hometown I noticed how beautiful some of the buildings are. I also realized one unintentional theme this week which relates to the images of water. I realized that this week I took several pictures of water in different forms (rain, fountain,etc) and realized how cool it is to capture the image of a rain drop, for example. Next week I plan to continue looking for more beautiful buildings and their surrounding areas and to try and make this more of a consistent theme.

  2. I think that you continued to find art in similar types of places as the week before, such as on the sides of buildings. I agree that you did start to take more pictures of interesting buildings as art compared to last week. Personally I like finding good architecture around New York City, so I really like these pictures. The pictures with water were also very soothing and calming. In this way, I think that our pictures are similar because I also took a lot of photos of buildings in New York City. I think you should continue to take photos of buildings and water features around the city.

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