Blurb 2

As you enter “The Hugo Boss Prize 2010:Hans-Peter Feldmann” exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum it is likely you will be filled with confusion. The exhibit contains two empty rooms that are enclosed with dollar bill covered walls. From ceiling to floor, Feldmann has arranged used dollar bills, one overlapping the other to ensure that the wall is covered in its entirety. This exhibit left me with a great deal of questions, such as “what inspired Feldmann to do this?” or “where did he get all these dollar bills from?”, which led me to do some research.  According to the museum’s assistant curator Katherine Brinson, this exhibit “extends the artist’s lifelong obsession with collecting familiar material into simple groupings”(Brinson). Upon learning that Feldmann had been given an award of $100,000 as part of the Hugo Boss Prize and had therefore displayed the $100,000 as one dollar bills, I gained a whole new perspective of the exhibit. If you are one that is intrigued by organized, unique art that is sure to be one of a kind I suggest you stop by this exhibit. While at the Guggenheim, I also highly encourage you to explore the multitude of other artists currently on display, such as works by Picasso in the Thannhauser Gallery.
source:Brinson, Katherine. “THE HUGO BOSS PRIZE 2010: Hans-Peter Feldmann.” New York. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. <>.

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