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Countdown For Shea

I recently had the opportunity to watch a game at the home of the Mets, Shea Stadium, before it gets closed down and demolished. This 45 year old structure serves as a place which has rewarded its fans with memories, pleasant or hurtful, over the decades. I attended the game on September 14; the weather was nice, with clear skies throughout the day. Seeing the pitcher, Oliver Perez, take his pitching stride and deliver his variety of pitches was inspiring. Perez has an unorthodox way of throwing but from where I was sitting, his body motion seemed smooth. Some homeruns that were hit went much farther than I anticipated; it is amazing how strong major leaguers have to be to hit baseballs 400 feet. The crowd was lively until the Braves pulled a comeback in the 9th inning by scoring 5 runs; other than that, it was a great experience.


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