Art is Where You Find It
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Museum of Modern Art

The Modern Museum of Art is one of the few museums open on Mondays. After realizing that I thought most people don’t go to museums on Monday therefore MOMA probably wouldn’t be crowded. I was completely wrong. When I arrived to the white glassy modern building the entire lobby was crowded with visitors. Waiting on line was really big hassle because the staff kept directing me back and forth from information desk to ticket line. The museum had a beautiful garden with abstract sculptures and a large fountain. Each floor was separated according to the categories. My favorite was the contemporary gallery, architecture and design, and drawings. MOMA had a large variety of artworks that were funky and modern. The furniture and architectural plans were very futuristic. Most of the painting and drawings were feasible to understand because it was related to the current events. My favorite works were Double Self Portrait, Veryround Chair, and Cloud 9. 


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