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The New Class….

With a new cast of bright, young actors, Spring Awakening continues to wow audiences with its provocative and exhilarating storyline and tunes. Even though this is my second time watching it, it still holds the same excitement and interest it did for me when I first watched it back in January. Based on Frank Wedekind’s controversial 19-century play, one which was banned for about 70 years, Spring Awakening is a story of 19th century German youths undergoing their own sexual awakening and quest for “carnal knowledge”. Just this past summer, Hunter Parrish recently replaced Jonathan Groff as the male lead, Melchior, and Alexandra Socha replaced Lea Michele as the female lead, Wendla rounding out the new “class” of Spring Awakening while bringing just a tinge of freshness to the musical. With a rock-concert like soundtrack, fitting stage atmosphere and amazing actors, Spring Awakening keeps you on the edge of your seat and excited forwhats more to come.

1 comment

1 miji0926 { 09.24.08 at 12:02 pm }

I wanted to see this ever since last year. Reading this makes me want to go watch it even more!

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