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Wednesday details

On Wednesday afternoon we will not be meeting in the classroom. Instead, we are meeting with Baruch professor and theater producer extraordinaire ERIC KREBS at his theater. Meet at 354 W. 45 St., by 3:45pm. <–NOTE I PROVIDED THE WRONG ADDRESS PREVIOUSLY, THE CORRECT ADDRESS IS 354 W. 45 St. not 354 W. 54 ST.

Then in the evening we are attending Eric’s production, “The Castle”, which will be at John Jay College (58th Street and 10th Ave.) from 6-7:30pm. Admission is free but you will need your CUNY ID. For more info on the show see this link and this review.

Your second review is due and I will collect it there so be sure you have it stapled beforehand!


1 allisonlouie { 10.14.08 at 7:44 pm }

Hey Zoe, question — is the location for Krebs’ talk at 354 West 45th Street? At least, that’s what is written on the syllabus, and what came up when I googled for directions… (Just making sure I’ve got it right!) Do we meet somewhere inside the theater or outside?

2 zoesheehan { 10.14.08 at 8:47 pm }

The theater is at 354 W. 45 St., thank you for catching that!!!!! I’ve changed it above to the correct address.

3 zoesheehan { 10.14.08 at 8:55 pm }

Oh and we meet outside. It’s a small theater, you’ll see, it’s very sweet.

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