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Jeff Koon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the Jeff Koon exhibition located on the roof. Although it was a hassle to get up to the roof, arriving at to see the beautiful skyline made up for the trouble. There were only three sculptures but I thought all of them were really cool. The sculptures were made with chromium steel and light color coating. The Balloon Dog in yellow green was shaped like the dogs that clowns would make for little children. I’m curious how he was able to make the dog perfectly rounded. Sacret Heart was a heart wrapped in red foil. This sculpture was so realistic and reminded me of a large heart shaped chocolate. Coloring Book puzzled me completely. I had no idea what it was but then found it was suppose to be a poorly colored in Piglet. I thought it was transparent at first because of the silver but then realized it was reflective. I really enjoyed the Jeff Koon exhibition and I’m still wondering how he made those sculptures.

1 comment

1 sophling { 11.01.08 at 12:38 pm }

I like how you were able to summarize details in such a brief blurb! Also, you made nice connections of the sculptures to outside everyday common items, such as the heart shaped chocolate !

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