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“Oh my God you guys! This totally sucks!” Those were the exact words that ran through my mind as I sat through two dreadful hours of Legally Blonde, the musical, at the Palace Theatre. Simply put, the show failed to deliver. The lyrics were ordinary and repetitive, consisting of two phrases – “Oh my God!” and “Like Oh my God you guys!” For those of us who weren’t wearing sunglasses, the hot pink costumes and luminescent pink set led to temporary blindness. The biggest disappointment was Bailey Hanks, the actress cast as Elle Woods in this musical adaptation. She was not as charming or as lovable as Reese Witherspoon although her dancing and singing were superb. Overall, it is no surprise that the show closed its doors this past weekend. Thank God. 


…i tried putting the blurb back together again 


1 cbao { 10.28.08 at 1:15 pm }

Author : cbao
As a huge Legally Blonde fan, I am both offended and appalled by your lack of appreciation for the icon that is Elle Woods. Heh, seriously though, I really enjoyed your blurb. It’s fun, easy to read, and carries the sarcastic tone that mocks the show, yet also illuminates the point that you are trying to make. Well done.

2 coreytrippiedi { 10.28.08 at 1:15 pm }

Author : coreytrippiedi
I totally agree with Chang. I like the simplicity and carefree tone of your writing. My writing, on the other hand, is blocky and lacks the flow that yours has.

Teach me?

3 nancywong { 10.28.08 at 1:16 pm }

Author : nancywong
I agree with Chang that your blurb was very enjoyable to read. It is so sarcastic and makes the show sound very superficial. The use of the word “God” all the time was comical. Makes me feel glad that I did not go see Legally Blonde after reading your blurb

4 Walter Zielkowski { 10.28.08 at 1:17 pm }

Author : Walter Zielkowski
Very nice. I read your post and then I told my sister how bringing back a point that you made in the beginning of a paper⎯ or in our case, blurb⎯is what separates a good writer from a bad writer. Well done, you totally made me not want to watch “Legally Blonde”.

And…I must “LOL!” at Chang’s comment.

And Corey has to stop trying to act like his writing isn’t amazing. I can name about 5 people off the top of my head who would consider paying you to write essays for them (Of course they would never actually turn in work that wasn’t theirs). Stop being modest! One more thing; I already used “Teach me?” on one of your first posts of the year, so back off my phrase! ;]

5 miji0926 { 11.07.08 at 9:58 am }

I am also a huge fan of Legally Blonde the Musical. It’s so disappointing to hear that many people went home after watching the musical with anything but excitement. The songs- they are terrific! Lyrics are filled with humors and expressions. I wonder how those great characteristics boiled down to just meaningless summation of “Oh my God you guys!”

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