Art is Where You Find It
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11/19 class plus 11/26 reminder

Blurb #3 is due Wednesday. Please check the “Blurbs” category when posting your writing to the blog. And save your blurb on your own computer in the event of catastrophic blog meltdown (or, in Dr. Atomic terms, in case the atmosphere catches on fire).

Next item… bring your (charged) laptops and the podcast you created of review #3 to class on Wednesday. We will continue working with Lynn to fine-tune your podcasts and prepare them for posting to the blog.

At 4:10 we will be attending a performance and conversation with the Alexander String Quartet in the Engleman Recital Hall at the Baruch Performing Arts Center.

Finally, I trust you are all working on your next creative assignment, which is due Nov. 26. This time, your assignment is to create a text-based work (poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction) that continues your development of the theme you’ve worked with in the past two phases of the project. I’m not looking for a text that describes your ideas – I’m looking for texts that embody, evoke, suggest, riff of, or otherwise creatively explore your theme. You can plan to read your text to the class if you’d like to. In any case bring seventeen copies of your text to class on Nov. 26 (that’s one copy for everyone including me). If you have questions feel free to post them as comments and/or bring them to class.


1 heajungyang { 11.18.08 at 8:29 pm }

Zoe, for the past blurbs and reviews I have not been checking blurb or review when I posted. Is there a way I could fix that?

2 zoesheehan { 11.18.08 at 8:53 pm }

Yes you can change that. After you log into the blog (as though you were going to write a post), click on “Manage”. A list of posts will appear. Click on the title of the post you want to edit. It will open and you can scroll down to click the appropriate category. You can also make any edits you want to your post when you are there.

I’ve been going through and fixing people’s posts when they do not include the correct category – but I would sure appreciate it if you did it yourself!

Let me know if you have trouble with this.

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