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A Doll’s House

No set, no costumes, and actors reading from the script. Does this sound normal? Is the producer just not prepared? Audience may have these questions about a reading of “A Doll’s House” if they did not know it was a reading. The fact that it is a reading may make the audience think that the performance may not be good, but this is not true. The reading was absolutely excellent. The actors flipping through the script may distract you at first but as soon as you get used to that, you will be able to focus on the amazing acting. Because there is no set, you can focus solely on the actors, which is very beneficial in getting absorbed in the story. The reading does not have all the scenes of “A Doll’s House”. It focuses on the story of Nora Helmer, her husband Torvald Helmer, his subordinate at work Nils Krogstad and Nora’s friend Christine Linde. Nora had illegally borrowed money from Krogstad to save her husband’s life and later Torvald tries to fire Krogstad but Krogstad threatens Nora to make her stop her husband. The story is very dramatic and although it is not all of “A Doll’s House”, it is organized well so the play seems like the whole story. If all readings were like this I would attend one any day!

1 comment

1 sophling { 11.22.08 at 2:39 am }

I enjoyed reading “A Doll’s House” in high school. This sounds very interesting, the fact that there are no sets but just reading and acting. I would imagine it would be harder to convey certain ideas without props and sets but those who can still do it with only facial expressions without any further elaborations are truly talented actors.

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