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Golf the Musical

First hearing about this musical I wondered how could anyone do a musical on such a boring game like golf? There wasn’t really a plot to this play but it was really funny and enjoyable. The scenery was extremely simple but the performance was outstanding. It consisted of three men and one woman singing all about golf. I was very impressed by the musician because she played the piano well. They cleverly hid the pianist behind a palm tree which I thought was amusing. The songs they sang varied in many aspects about different social and political topics. Some of my favorite musical numbers were “A Show About Golf,” “Big Bertha,” and “Tiger Woods.” Not all the jokes were funny and I noticed the actors had to improvise because predicting the audience’s reaction was not easy. I really enjoyed the scene of an old man spending about 10 minutes trying to get ready to swing and the joke about how to determine which way to swing. Honestly I would not mind seeing this show again because it has at least one joke for everyone to laugh at!


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