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The New York City Horror Film Festival

Last week when I attended the first program of the New York City Horror Film Festival in Tribeca, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  I’ve never even been to a small film screening before, much less a horror film. Despite my reservations, however, I actually found out how much fun it can really be. Unlike most commercial moviegoers, the members of the much smaller, more exclusive festival were much more eager to interact with others – and, well, to interject hilarious quips right in the middle of the movies, much to the amusement of everyone else. I’ve never been very comfortable watching horror films, even in the comfort of my own room and surrounded by friends – but I actually found myself really enjoying the experience. Even if the movies weren’t that good, the audience definitely was entertaining. But if you’re not someone who likes paying a little more money to see some weird, lower-budget and usually independent horror movies, or you don’t like listening to or being distracted by other audience members, the NYC Horror Film Festival probably isn’t for you… (The program I went to cost $16 per person, and had one independent short film, and one major picture by Capcom.) But personally, I found the experience definitely more entertaining than seeing a major commercial film by myself.

1 comment

1 sophling { 11.22.08 at 2:34 am }

I like how you generalized the horror film without going into the specifics of the plot but gave just enough information that made you interested, the fact that the audience was entertaining, to get other potential viewers interested in going.

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