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The Phrases of the Guggenheim

Although the theanyspacewhatever exhibit was very appealing, I was more captivated by the phrases that encircle the interiors of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Of course, the interior design of the museum is already very fascinating on its own, with its formation of a helical spiral from the ground level up to the top of the building and the windows at the top of the building that allow skylight to pour into the museum during the day. As I first stepped into the museum, a big area of the ground floor is occupied by a phrase of three words: ARE WE EVIL. At first, I was debating whether it should be WE ARE EVIL (since the positioning of the words is questionable) or if it is posted as a question (yet the period at the end took away that suggestion). I was both surprised and excited at how one little phrase can lead me to ponder so much. And so, as I continued on throughout the museum, I was delighted to found numerous phrases all over the museum. Some of the phrases can be related to other phrases, while some just make sense on its own existence. Some of my favorite phrases include: “I believe in miracles,” “[N]othing can be hidden forever,” “Y[]ou never know” & “[Y]ou always knew,” “I have forgotten everything,” & “I cannot remember anything,” and “You can’t hide your love forever.” All of these phrases made me wonder about so many things, they all allow me to relate to incidents and events of my life. My visit to the Guggenheim Museum was very insightful all due to these mysterious phrases.

1 comment

1 cbao { 11.19.08 at 5:35 am }

Argh, that’s awesome! I remember writing about this for the NYT Blog and thought about how cool it would be to see it. Even though your blurb spoiled some of the phrases =P, I will definitely be back at the Guggenheim soon to check out this “theanyspacewhatever” exhibit.

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