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National Theater of the Deaf

Diversity is very important everywhere, especially in art. Art comes in all shapes and forms and I realized that once again watching an act performed by the National Theater of the Deaf. I did not know what to expect watching the performance because I did not know if they would only use sign language or use body language. But the performance turned out to be really easy to watch because there are four people and two of them are not deaf. They narrate everything that is happening. The story of the play is really simple. It is about a boy learning to accept that his friend and mother are deaf and learning to cope with it in society. He learns to introduce them and explain why they are different. He also makes different friends throughout the play. The play teaches the audience a few basic sign language words. Afterwards the talkback helped us understand how the play came together. We got to ask questions about difficulties of being deaf. The play was definitely a fun new experience for me. I learned a lot and it helped me realize just how much is out there in the art world. There are so many things that I have not been exposed to and I cannot wait to start discovering them!  


1 katherinepark90 { 12.07.08 at 10:57 pm }

I never knew there was such a thing has Nation Theater of Deaf. Are they still doing the show?

2 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:26 pm }

That performance sounds really interesting and I also think it helps bring awareness to some people being deaf. I’m sure that a lot of people take their hearing for granted and this performance probably makes them more thankful for their hearing.

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