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This is for All the Perverts and Racists

“The internet is for porn!” “Everyone’s just a bit racist!” If you don’t find humor in these phrases, don’t watch Avenue Q. But for those of us with a sense of humor, Avenue Q will exceed your expectations. It is a hilarious Broadway show about finding one’s way in the world. The puppets pursue relationships, face poverty and question their sexuality. Even though the puppets face real problems, it’s still a make-believe world where anything can happen. Monsters mingle with humans and pizza boxes break out into song and dance. There are several one-night stands (featuring naked puppets) and Germans are still referred to as Nazis. But don’t worry! Even if you’re not German, there are plenty of racist jokes to go around. You won’t leave the show without being somewhat offended. 


1 coreytrippiedi { 12.04.08 at 1:03 am }

Haha…I’ve always wanted to see this.

Good blurb.

2 sophling { 12.06.08 at 3:27 am }

Good catchy, opening remarks at the beginning of the blurb. Good action-packed description of the “make-believe world” in the play!

3 katherinepark90 { 12.07.08 at 10:54 pm }

I want to see Avenue Q! I feel like it’s going to be so weird! As if I’m watching Sesame Streets but like PG13 or R rated.

4 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:23 pm }

I love this blurb its so funny. I definitely want to go see Avenue Q for the jokes!

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