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So, my sister recently decided to join her school’s Sing. I still don’t know what the meaning of this “Sing” stands for, however I’ve heard about it for about 5 years now. Finally I’ve decided, “what the heck, why not go watch it?” From what I gathered, two grades verse the other two grades in song and dance filled show. Two hours in high school watching an amateur show, “Oh the joy!” To my surprise, the sophomores and seniors were quite good. The singing wasn’t unpleasant, the dancing wasn’t too simple and boring, and the dialogue wasn’t “corny” or “awkward” as I had expected. I actually found myself laughing. They made a few mistakes here and there, but it was far less amount of mistakes than the freshmen and juniors. Which brings me to the freshmen and junior performers. They were not that terrible. To be fair, they are only in high school. We can’t all expect all the performers to be “Julliard status.” Their performance just wasn’t as entertaining or fun to watch. At one point it pained me to watch the dancing. So many mistakes and awkward movements. If it hadn’t been for the senior and sophomores i would have thought that night was waste of 10 bucks.


1 joycet { 12.08.08 at 2:48 am }

ha! I actually thought of the same thing when I finally attended my HS SING during my senior year. At first, I was like, what is this SING thing?! But with my friends’ recommendation to it (since they participated in it), I went to see it and it wasn’t that bad. Their collaborations of singing and dancing and other things are actually quite creative. Anyways, I’m glad you kind of liked yours as much as I liked mine.

2 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:08 pm }

I went to the same high school as Joyce so I also went to watch SING. The school always made a huge deal out of it and it was always fun to watch which grade performed the best! It’s good to hear that SING wasn’t as bad as you expected.

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