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All Kinds of Walking

This is my video about walking. Enjoy!



1 Walter Zielkowski { 12.16.08 at 11:10 pm }

Lol! I especially liked the moon walk[s]…and your walk. I wish my posture was as good as yours.

2 taeminkim { 12.16.08 at 11:20 pm }

Walk with assistance. hilarious, haha

3 nancywong { 12.16.08 at 11:39 pm }

Those people falling were funny and those animals walking were so cute excluding the pigeon and that crazy hyper dog with wheels haha

4 joycet { 12.16.08 at 11:43 pm }

nice collaboration! the dog was so cute! and the models were hilarious =]

5 leliaxtan { 12.17.08 at 12:05 am }

haha wowww thats so creative! I wouldn’t be able to think of so many things for walking.

6 katherinepark90 { 12.17.08 at 1:13 am }

I couldn’t help but laugh at all the models falling. Your song choices were perfect throughout the video.

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